Community Guidelines

Thank you for taking time to review the community guidelines. The guidelines help you to become a responsible hellodesk community member.

Only mobile related projects.

Everything on hellodesk must be only related to mobile industry. This may include any mobile software or hardware products.

Submission as Makers – Submit only your own, original mobile related projects.

Help us maintain the community’s reputation and observe the intellectual property rights of others by only submitting app projects you have personally worked on in any capacity or else properly attributed. The community should not be used to post unauthorized apps of any copyrighted material.

Be honest, be yourself.

The community is intended to be used for the helpful exchange of information between members. False, inaccurate, or otherwise misleading information is generally not helpful. Please be sincere in your community participation by only contributing content you know is accurate and not misrepresenting your identity or your business qualifications. As per Art Abilities terms and conditions, any misrepresentation can lead to suspension of your account.

Post appropriate content.

Projects posted on Art Abilities website should not be illegal, pornographic, sexist and/or controversial. Art Abilities reserves the right to remove any content it deem not complying to general guidelines and Art Abilities terms and services.

Remember your readers.

Writing in ALL CAPS or using HTML tags can make your contribution difficult to read. Excessive typographic symbols, special characters, and instant/text messaging slang can be equally hard to read and may also be confusing to users who are unfamiliar with their meanings. Try to follow standard email etiquette.

Work for your community.

The community is here for the benefit app-makers like you promote themselves and their work. You will do a favor to your fellow community members by promoting their work and commenting on that. If you notice content within the community that is in appropriate or does not abide by the guidelines, please report it to Art Abilities site moderators via email